Well... the closet isn't cutting it! I need more room. Where to go, where to go? The 'dining room' in my house is not really a dining room. It's a 'library' it has book shelves, and display shelves, and a 6' Aruba Cat condo. But it has potential I mean what do I really use it for?
So - I did some hunting. The furniture I put in there is actually from the Christopher Lowell "Shores" set that is available at Office Depot. And wonder of wonders they have a computer armoir. hmmm bigger space. doors that close. close to the garage - ohhhh did I forget to mention that addition? (More on this later!)

I bought the new piece. It matches perfectly of course - and it's GREAT! I added boards to the inside of the open spaces that you can use to hang hooks, baskets, and more from. I put in a light with a magnifier on it, it has display area for my pieces as I get more done - right now if you look closely it holds my 2010 Holly Gage Metal Clay calendar - OMG - talk about eye candy!! The pieces are gorgeous!
(OH and the mascot on top? That's Nubbles - on is good as long as he and his brother don't figure out how to get IN! :o) )

Did I mention I bought a kiln? ha aha ha! I knew it wouldn't last, you probably knew it wouldn't last. I mean it's another tool! Don't get me wrong the micro torch is awesome. I use it for 80% of my works but I also wanted to do pieces that have 'gems' in it and you can't do that with a torch so I invested in a itty bitty kiln. It works perfect for metal clay - silver and enameling.
So I cleaned out the other side of my garage and put the kiln and my 'mini photo booth' on the work bench. (In the very near future it will hold my polymer clay oven and my Lortone tumbler - yes, yes, I know, I know... more tools! geeze!)
So now I'm working out of the 'library' it's right around the corner from the door to the garage - which puts it close to the kiln and the polymer clay oven. I have a wall that I could add another table if needed. And I have book space for my inspiration books. PLUS the boys can hang out and the guest room is once again a guest room! :o)
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